
Two-days Army Expo commences in Coimbatore! 

Military Logistics Exhibition
The exhibition, which will be held today and tomorrow, will feature various defense equipment of the Indian Army, as well as military equipment such as boats and artillery.

Modern tools
Various models can also be found, including weapons, explosives and military uniforms. Also, halls of various private institutions and universities are equipped here and modern equipments are on display.

Visitors are taught how to use and use such tools.

Entry is free
Battle rehearsals are also conducted and shown to the public. It is worth noting that admission to the public is free for the two-day exhibition.

The “Southern Star Army Academia Industry Interface” (S2A212) and the Centre for Defence Innovation and Industry Collaboration (CDIIC) are initiatives aimed at encouraging military, academic, and industry collaboration to promote indigenous defence technology and self-reliance in defence production. The S2A212 event, organised by the Southern Command’s Regional Technology Node (RTN) in partnership with the Army Institute of Technology, Dighi, focuses on the transition to Atmanirbhar Bharat in defence technology. The event features lectures and displays that showcase emerging technical developments in the defence realm while also encouraging concrete contact between academics and business to build indigenous defence technology.

Public watching the mock drill conducted by Army personnel involved in attacking and capturing terrorists operation at CODISSIA in Coimbatore during the Defense Expo happening on May 28 and 29

On the other hand, the Centre for Defence Innovation and Industry Collaboration (CDIIC) is a vital contributor to the Southern Defence Corridor, allowing regional MSMEs to become import substitution partners for the armed services. CDIIC has partnered with the Indian Army to host the famous “Southern Star Army Academia Industry Interface – S2A2I2” in Coimbatore on May 28th and 29th, 2024. This event intends to identify current difficulties in the defence industry and find answers to them, while also encouraging Coimbatore enterprises to improve research and development for defence-related equipment in order to jointly benefit and meet the twin needs of national security and Indian armed forces.

These programmes emphasise the relevance of academics in creating next-generation defence technologies, as well as the role of industry in meeting the technical demands of the Indian Army, with the ultimate goal of achieving self-reliance in defence manufacturing.

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